Effective Leadership
Current Lesson
Part 1
Objectives Using Daniel Kahneman’s Thinking Fast and Slow as a background begin to explore how we think and what that means for our approach to leadership
Jan. 12 Introduction to the course and each other
Jan. 19 Be prepared to discuss The Riddle of Experience vs. Memory video in class.
Journal entry #1 due by 5:30 pm today
Video Blog
Course Resources
The daily journals (found in blackboard) are a regular product you will contribute to this semester. These will be based on the readings and videos through the semester. There are three primary questions that should guide your weekly journals:
As I reflect on the course materials so far this semester, what new insights do I have about how I process information and make personal and professional decisions?
Do these insights indicate to me that I should make any changes in my approach to leading and if so how would I practically execute this changes? (answering this question by saying that you must simply "do better" is not helpful in the same way it would not be helpful for a doctor to tell their patient to simply "feel better" - you have to understand the root causes for your own behavior to develop a plan for doing something about it)
How do I apply what I have learned so far to my future context as a leader? In other words, how does this knowledge inform your understanding of how other people you might be working with make decisions and as a leader how can you use this information to create a system, climate, and culture where there is consistently more healthy and productive decision making?
Video Archives
Riddle of Experience vs. Memory
Change Talkship with Tony Wagner
6th or 10th grade instruction videos
Kegan Immunity to Change Workshop